A husband and wife team based in Franklin, TN. For years, we as a couple have wanted to work on a project together. As a family of 6 (plus 2 dogs and one fish) we have been pressing in to define our family values and increase the gravity of our family culture. We are excited to start this journey and so happy that you are here. 

Dasher Watch Co. was founded out of a life-long love for watches and a growing appreciation for the story behind each one. Each scratch and ding on a watch reveals something about the owner and a life lived. Specifically, mechanical watches connect us to the past while keeping us on time in the present. Winding a watch and the sound of the gears is a grounding experience first thing in the morning. It is a reminder that each day is a gift filled with a finite amount of moments. There is also something special about having an analog tool in a digital world. 

We’re creating modern watches with vintage roots. We create to instill in you a sense of adventure. Every watch tells a story and we hope the purchase of your Dasher Watch sparks the beginning of a new page in yours.

-Ashley and Tabitha.

we are the dashers